Needs to go somewhere
I liked the beat, it started out nice. A common problem among artists is that it's hard deciding which sounds should linger, and which ones are most important, you went for the sailing routine, where one melody is idolized and everything else changes, sometimes it's good, but having it hang around like a cloud can make it repetitive and people can find it getting old.
That's how songs are liked and suddenly lose their flavor. They take it too slow and the guts and meaning shoot out. This is why the score is lower then it should be.
The best approach to techno is to keep moving, never let a sound linger longer then it should, use your ears and take the time to concentrate on your song, this is the best way to self-improvement. Never say to yourself "This sounds good, I'll let it play itself out for 30 seonds just because people need to hear it"
Good luck, good work.