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James @Erkie

Age 34, Male

Beartown USA

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We can all agree that we are often compelled to write a review to a song we feel positively about.
For the average listener, the review is simply a comment of pure praise. The result can be, "People think this is a useless review".

At the same time, I do not like extensive and technically critical criticism, unless the artist specifically states that they desire such information. But even in such a case, what makes music good to the individual is subjective.

Put simply, this is because we condition ourselves to associate emotions with what we hear in music.
Evidence of this can be found in how films popularize music. If you play a song in a film, its context is changed, and people buy into the song based on that context, assuming the film was good.

This conditioning can easily be stretched to specific definitions and styles of music, which leads to specific production, which leads to specific criticism, to achieve a specific emotional appeal someone else has achieved.

As result, I don't care if the dual P90 filters are too rough on the X900 Fruity Loops dream pad, if it sounds like shit, I probably won't touch it.

But, if it is in your nature to take your time to make sure the drums intricately fold and mend into some snazzy bass you made sure sounded like nothing else, I'll pop open the review box before the song is even done.

I'd like to propose something a little different,
The Positive Review

Your first thought may be;
Would a review that is left only with pure praise and afterthoughts, still make it a review?
Not necessarily. We are changing the formula in a review to bolster the merit you find in a song, and raise the confidence of the artist to hopefully focus on that unique sound. Subsequently, I' am also generous in scoring, because I always reward the merit.

The standard by which you review a song then, is asking yourself,
How does the song make you feel at the given moment?
Find your favorite parts of the track and dissect each sound, think of a way to articulate how the sound is, and explain how all the sounds coming together made you feel. I even offer descriptions of visuals, events, or situations that come to my mind that inflict the emotion.

Breaking down a song leaves plenty of criticism to give on your end. Since it is your subjective opinion, you can be completely honest. Did the song drop off or change an element before you had an emotion fulfilled? Was the artist even aware that they were creating such an emotion?

Uncovering the complexity in the emotions driving the song itself brings recognition to their efforts, artists will often respond in astonishment at the depth of my review and understanding of their track. Which is always reward to know you "get it", and increase their confidence by recognizing even the most minute of detail.

that's all I got,